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                              AP&P Srl has achieved the certification of its Quality Management System according to UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015


                              The standards ISO 9000 provides guidance on how a company must operate in order to provide a product or service quality, that meets the requirements of the customer.


The ISO 9001 certification is voluntary, and it is a way to qualify the company recognized to Worldwide.

With this certification, it is recognized that the company adopts a system of rules, responsibilities, controls, etc., conforms to the family of ISO 9000 standards.


The attention to the needs of customers and the desire to continuously improve the service offered, has allowed to the company to obtain the certification of its system of quality management in accordance with ISO 9001:2008


The certification covers the following services:


a) Integrated structural and architectural design;


b) Design of infrastructure, bridges and viaducts;


c) Urban planning and design;

d) project verification.


The certification has been released by TUV Nord Italy, based in Milan.


                                Associate Member of UNI-Italian Agency for Codification.

                                Associate Member of ASCE-American Society of Civil Engineers.

                                Associate Member of AIA-The American Institute of Architects.

Azienda certificata ISO 9001:2008
Alessio ​Pipinato & Partners Architectural Engineering S.r.l.
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