Included in these services are infrastructure of transport (highway, railway, airport, port) and infrastructure of service (hospital, police department, strategic infrastructure).
Design phase
• Investigations, surveys and analysis
• Alternatives analysis and operational guidelines
• Pre-feasibility studies
• analysis of costs and benefits of alternative solutions
• Verification of urban compatibility
Project phase
• Conceptual Design
• Pre-feasibility studies
• Interior design
• Design of parks and green areas
• Preliminary design and final of buildings and structures
• Documentation and assistance funding practices
• Specifications, draft contract, contract clauses, list prices, estimates
• Documentation for bids and tenders
Phase of construction supervision
• Construction supervision
• Measures, accounting, assistance
• Construction planning "as built"

Progetto preliminare di concorso per la realizzazione della nuova facoltà di Medicina presso l'Ospedale Sant'Anna di Ferrara (Ferrara, Italia)

Progetto delle strutture metalliche per la realizzazione di hangar con coperture di grande luce per lo stoccaggio di Airbus A380

Progetto preliminare di concorso per la realizzazione della nuova facoltà di Medicina presso l'Ospedale Sant'Anna di Ferrara (Ferrara, Italia)
- Design competition for the design of the Medicine Faculty at the Ospedale Sant'Anna (Ferrara, Italia)
- Executive design of the airport hangar NDIA (Doha, Quatar)
- Preliminary, definitive, executive design of a turistic path on the Adige river (Veneto, Italia)
- Preliminary, definitive, executive design of a strategic national infrastructure (Rimini, Italia)